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UK TRA: Steel Safeguard Extension Recommended [SteelHome] 2024-02-26 18:35:34

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The Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) of the UK is moving towards extending safeguard measures for the steel industry, as per interim findings.

TRA Chief Executive Oliver Griffiths has indicated that the safeguard measures for steel should be prolonged for an additional two years until June 2026, encompassing all current steel categories under protection.

The interim recommendation comes after careful analysis and consideration by the TRA, aiming to provide stability and support to the domestic steel sector.

Community Union, representing steelworkers, has strongly advocated for the extension of safeguard measures to safeguard the interests of the UK's steel industry.

Alasdair McDiarmid, Assistant General Secretary of Community Union, expressed the union's approval of the TRA's recommendation. He emphasized the crucial role of safeguard measures in preserving the competitiveness and sustainability of the UK steel industry.

The TRA's proposal aligns with the collective stance of both unions and businesses, underlining the necessity of government action to ensure the continued protection of the domestic steel sector.

Ultimately, the decision to extend the steel safeguard measures for an additional two years rests with the Secretary of State for Business and Trade, who will carefully consider the TRA's recommendation before making a final determination.

The interim recommendation by the Trade Remedies Authority to extend steel safeguard measures underscores the importance of supporting and fortifying the UK's steel industry. With backing from Community Union and industry stakeholders, the proposal highlights the unified call for government intervention to sustainably nurture the domestic steel sector. The decision-making process now hinges on the Secretary of State for Business and Trade, who holds the responsibility of safeguarding the future of the UK's steel industry.


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