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Thyssenkrupp Steel Mulls Curtailment, Portending Retrenchment [SteelHome] 2024-04-12 19:49:42

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thyssenkrupp Steel plans to reduce production capacity at its Duisburg site and cut jobs, reports Handelsbnlatt. The company aims to maintain competitiveness and secure a future for steel production in Germany.

thyssenkrupp Steel, a major player in the steel industry, has announced its intention to significantly scale back production capacity at its Duisburg location. The company currently has the capacity to produce 11.5 million metric tons of steel per year, but plans to lower this to between 9 and 9.5 million metric tons annually.

This reduction in capacity is in line with the company's production levels over the past three years. thyssenkrupp Steel has also stated that this move will inevitably lead to job losses, although the exact number of positions to be cut remains unclear at this stage.

The workforce reductions will not only affect the steel production itself, but also downstream processing stages, as well as administrative and service roles. The Duisburg site currently employs around 13,000 people, out of a total of 27,000 across the entire steel division.

Despite the planned job cuts, thyssenkrupp Steel has emphasized its commitment to avoiding redundancies for operational reasons, with an employment guarantee in place until the end of March 2026. The company sees these measures as essential to maintaining its competitiveness and securing the future of steel production at the Duisburg site.

By optimizing its production network, thyssenkrupp Steel aims to significantly boost its competitiveness and profitability. The company believes that these steps will not only help to secure high-quality jobs in the long term but also ensure a resilient basic supply of steel for industrial value creation in Germany.

The steel industry has faced numerous challenges in recent years, including fluctuating demand, increased competition from imports, and stricter environmental regulations. thyssenkrupp Steel's decision to reduce capacity and streamline its operations is a response to these pressures, as the company seeks to adapt to the changing market conditions.

While the announcement of job cuts is always difficult news for employees and their families, thyssenkrupp Steel maintains that these measures are necessary to safeguard the future of the company and the wider steel industry in Germany. The company has pledged to work closely with employee representatives to minimize the impact of the restructuring on its workforce.

thyssenkrupp Steel's decision to reduce production capacity and cut jobs at its Duisburg site is a significant development in the German steel industry. While the move will undoubtedly have an impact on the workforce, the company sees it as a necessary step to maintain competitiveness and secure the future of steel production in Germany. As the industry continues to evolve, companies like thyssenkrupp Steel will need to remain agile and adapt to the changing market conditions to ensure their long-term success.


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